We all feel we know what trauma is. Isn't it?
Yes! But do we know or seem to understand?
Trauma is a misunderstood term.
Commonly, trauma is the result of an overwhelming amount of stress from an unexpected, untimely, and unfavorable situation that exceeds one’s ability to cope.
We usually associate trauma with extreme, catastrophic, and life-changing events like the sudden and tragic loss of a loved one, an accident, an assault, war, a natural calamity, et cetera.
But the truth is, trauma is not always dramatic and life-threatening.
Trauma can result from many events like the loss of a relationship, breakup, divorce or separation, layoff from a job, loss of property, infidelity, miscarriage/infertility, or terminal illness. It can also come from betrayal or denial. A person can also be traumatized when his/her most fundamental beliefs and assumptions get shattered, often unexpectedly and sharply.
Trauma can also arise from subtle and common everyday experiences. It can take any form and at any time, and it can be sudden or prolonged.
It is far more common than we think.
Prolonged trauma can take the form of unresolved childhood wounds, toxic relationships, extended periods of joblessness, etc.
The irony is that most people you see around have faced some trauma in their lives, but very few of them know about it, let alone understand and acknowledge it.
People sometimes dismiss trauma superficially as a random and ‘Only a bad/unfortunate incident’. They remain stuck in trauma without recognizing it. Their body shows symptoms of a deep-seated trauma, but they do not acknowledge the same, in part due to ignorance and, in part, due to non-acknowledgment of the harsh reality. As a result, they do not know how to cope with it. They carry the effects of dormant yet persistent stress and prolonged grief, which manifests in their behavior and personality.
Trauma is inevitable, unexpected, and often beyond our control. It is a silent wound that is most often misunderstood. It is far more complex and far-reaching than we think.
Demystifying Trauma
We think: Trauma means severely bad, random, and uncommon experiences.
Reality: Everyday stressors, if overwhelming, can cause trauma.We think: It didn't affect us if we don’t remember an event.
Reality: Trauma can be dormant in the body, even if the mind suppresses it.We think: Time heals all wounds.
Reality: Unresolved trauma can linger on for a long time
Why Trauma Matters More Than We Think
Trauma is a silent, emotional wound that impacts at multiple levels: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Trauma affects our ability to process emotions and tests our resilience. It can alter brain chemistry resulting in changes in our body, mind, and behavior.
In upcoming posts, we’ll explore how trauma manifests, how it shapes our emotions, and most importantly — how we can heal from it.
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